Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007

Recommendation the book

I would advocate THE AUSTRALIAN CONNECTION for those people, who like books which shows how it is if a band is going to be famous and if you also like love story's!
But if you prefer to read thrillers or something like that, then you'll better to read an other book.

Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007

A mini saga for chapter 9 and 10

Everything come to an end!
Like the band's success. By reason, Joe and Pete drink alcoholic drinks on stage so, the band have to disband.
But Dani moves with Alex to England and they have success with their band "The Dolphins".
They celebrate the New Year's Eve with Alex's family.

Montag, 3. Dezember 2007

Chapter Nine: ...and down to eath & Chapter Ten: New Year's Eve

"All good things come to an end..." (p.49/l.1)

The only thing we was right was, that the band's success decreased!

Because Joe and Pete began to drink alcohol and yet they had their heads shaved...
And then everything went wrong, nobody wanted to bought their album , in their concerts were only the half of audience and no one cheered, etc. ... But the worst thing was, as Pete and his friends began to fought on stage!!
So the band disbanded completely...
Because of the deal with his mother, Alex went back to England, to go to the university but Dani came with him!
They built a new group "The Dolphins"and played in local pubs.
And Alex will change his family name into Reid because Peter was more his father like Tom, he was always there for him and Tom is rather his friend than his father.

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

Chapter Eight : Up to the top...

If you ask me, my favorite part in this chapter is as the author list all the things which happened when they gained fame. (<--for example: they only went first class anymore. )Because in this part Alex was just happy and so nothing went wrong and so on...
And I also think, that it is very great that the band is so popular so that they were invited at a talk-show or the radio etc. .

Do you agree with me or have you another opinion?