Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007

Recommendation the book

I would advocate THE AUSTRALIAN CONNECTION for those people, who like books which shows how it is if a band is going to be famous and if you also like love story's!
But if you prefer to read thrillers or something like that, then you'll better to read an other book.

2 Kommentare:

Socke (-pupocke) hat gesagt…

hey hannibunnie,
that text is nearly perfect the way you wrote it is very very good!!!
You are right it is just for persons who like love-story and I do not do:) but I found it not bad...I hope you can come to school tomorrow and are not ill again

Marie hat gesagt…

hi jojo,
i agree with you, and in my opinion there is nothing to add.
well done!
marie b.